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Sleep Virtual Consult

Sleep Apnea Appliance Virtual Consult

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Jonathan Held DDS, Diplomate American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine

Virtual Consults with Medical Sleep Physicians are now covered by Medicare. If you have medicare and have not had a sleep study completed yet- Dr. Held will help you set up a consult with a Board Certified Sleep Physician for a Virtual Consult. After the Board Certified Sleep Physician completes their consult, they will send a home sleep testing unit to your house. This eliminates the initial need to go into a clinic and is covered by Medicare with little to no cost to you (depending on supplemental coverage). Previously patients had to have a face to face consultation in a clinic. A virtual consult now satisfies that requirement.


Virtual Consults for Snoring and sleep apnea treatment with an oral appliance made by Dr. Jonathan Held

 Dr. Jonathan Held DDS, DABDSM- a dentist who specializes in treating sleep disordered breathing with oral appliances- offers virtual sleep screenings and consultations for anyone interested in learning more about snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. If you have previously had a sleep study, then we will provide a consultation to determine if you are a candidate for a dental sleep appliance based on your study results.

If you are a snorer, wake up gasping for air, have excessive daytime sleepiness, or other signs or symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) but have not seen a medical professional for diagnosis then Dr. Jonathan Held can help. Even if you think you are just a snorer, it is highly recommended that you be screened for the more serious condition of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) before you begin any treatment. Use the calendar above to schedule a consultation.

Prior to your visit you will be asked to complete several questionnaires including a sleep and medical history (these will be emailed to you to be filled out electronically, signed and sent back to us securely without having to print anything out). During your consultation, Dr. Held will review your medical and sleep history, discuss your concerns with your sleep quality, and help assess your risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). If Dr. Held feels that you qualify for further testing, he will help you set up an appointment with a board certified sleep physician for a virtual consult and a home sleep test that can be mailed to your home! This device is a state of the art piece of equipment that you will wear at home for one night while sleeping. The home sleep recorder is a level-3 FDA approved device that is approved by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) for the diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and sleep disordered breathing. The recorder gives valuable information about breathing, snoring, blood oxygen saturation and sleep apnea events (learn about home sleep testing here).

After Dr. Jonathan Held has reviewed the results of your home study, an appointment will be made to discuss the results. During this appointment Dr. Held will discuss whether you are at risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Dr. Held will review the Board Certified Sleep Physicians diagnosis and help to decide what treatment is necessary. If further medical consultation is necessary because of advanced or serious medical problems then Dr. Jonathan Held will help make the proper referral to a local sleep physician.

Once a diagnosis is made from the board-certified sleep physician and recommends an oral appliance, Dr. Held will see you for an in-person exam, ensure that your oral cavity is healthy enough for an oral appliance, and take digital impressions to make an appliance.